Crafting Your Business Development Strategy – Wimgo

Crafting Your Business Development Strategy

Growing a business is no easy feat. It takes careful planning, flawless execution, and the ability to adapt on the fly. But with the right strategy in place, any company can set themselves up for sustainable growth and profitability.

In this post, we’ll walk through a practical, step-by-step approach to crafting a custom business development strategy. Whether you’re looking to move into new markets, roll out new products and services, or form strategic partnerships, having a solid game plan is key.

I’ll share tips and frameworks you can use to:

  • Objectively assess your current business model and performance
  • Set clear, measurable growth goals
  • Pinpoint the new offerings, partnerships, and tactics needed to hit your targets
  • Build detailed execution plans with ownership and timelines
  • Implement initiatives seamlessly across teams
  • Continuously track progress and refine as needed

By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive blueprint to drive focused growth in your organization. Let’s get started!

Understanding Business Development

Before we dive into building a strategy, let’s ensure we have a common understanding of what business development entails. 

Business development refers to the activities, tactics, and strategies companies undertake to generate new business and spur growth. It focuses on developing new products, expanding into new markets, and forging partnerships – collaborations that directly contribute to the bottom line.

The overall goals of business development include:

– Increasing sales and revenue 

– Gaining market share

– Expanding customer base and retention

– Diversifying product/service offerings

– Building strategic partnerships and distribution channels

Some key activities typically involved in business development include market research, product development, lead generation, sales pipelines, partner management, and more. These initiatives require input from multiple departments including sales, marketing, product development, and leadership.

With this context in mind, let’s look at how you can systematically craft your business development strategy.

Assessing Your Current Situation 

Before defining where you want to go, you need to objectively assess where you are now. What are your current offerings, target markets, competitive landscape, and sales process?

Conducting a thorough analysis will clarify your starting point so you can develop a strategy to get from point A to point B. Here are the key areas to examine:

Analyzing Your Offerings

– What products and services do you currently offer? 

– How does your portfolio map to customer needs or industry trends?

– Where are there gaps compared to competitor offerings?

– How often are you releasing new products/updates?

Evaluating your current slate of offerings across your business units will uncover opportunities to expand or optimize. 

For example, you may find certain offerings that hit the mark along with others that are outdated or don’t have a clear target buyer. This analysis will also reveal white space opportunities to develop new solutions.

Evaluating Your Target Markets

– Which customer segments, industries, and geographies do you focus on?

– How diversified is your customer base?

– What market trends or forces currently influence your targets?

– How saturated are your existing markets? 

Determining how diversified your revenue streams are across markets is crucial. An ideal business development strategy will expand your footprint across multiple customer profiles, sectors, and locations.

This will also reveal which current targets warrant further penetration or if you need to expand intoadjacent segments for growth. Evaluating external factors like trends, regulations, or competition will further inform strategic plans.

Reviewing Your Sales Process

– How do you generate new business leads currently? 

– What tactics work well to convert leads to customers?

– Where are bottlenecks or leaks in the sales process?

– How do you retain and expand existing customer accounts?

Carefully auditing your current sales engine – from lead generation to closed deals – is vital for optimization. Look for what’s working well that you should double down on along with pain points to address.

Common sales process gaps include ineffective lead gen programs, lack of sales enablement, poor hand-offs between teams, and more. Identifying these weak spots will allow you to shore up operational issues as part of your strategy.

Conducting this thorough current state assessment across offerings, markets, and sales will provide the clarity needed to formulate your plan.

Setting Your Objectives

With your current situational analysis complete, the next step is defining the key objectives you want your strategy to achieve. Concretely articulating your goals gives you a destination to chart your plan towards. 

Defining Your Growth Goals

– What is your overall revenue growth target? 10%? 30%? 

– Do you want to expand into 2 new geographic regions in the next year? 

– Is your goal to acquire 5 new major accounts by Q4?

Clearly delineating your quantitative growth goals ensures your strategies align to hitting specific KPIs. When setting targets, ensure they are ambitious yet realistic based on your current posture.  

If your business is more mature or market conditions are very competitive, shooting for 20% growth may be prudent. For newer or rapidly scaling businesses, targets of 50%+ growth are often feasible.

Aligning With Company Objectives 

– How does business development fit into the company’s broader strategic roadmap?  

– What are the timelines for major expansions or new product releases?

– Are there adjacent departments you need to sync with on shared goals?

Keep in mind your business development initiatives don’t happen in a vacuum – they should ladder up to broader organizational goals. Also consider timelines for launching into new segments, geographies, or partnerships that may influence your strategy.

Ensuring alignment across the company provides support for resourcing and enables executing on interdependent plans. This strategic alignment is key for making the biggest business impact.

With your specific quantifiable objectives framed up, you’re ready to move into shaping the strategy itself.

Crafting Your Strategy 

Now comes the true art and science of strategizing – determining the markets, offerings, and tactics that will allow you to hit your targets. 

Based on understanding your current state and goals, you can now make informed decisions on the best path forward. Key components to build out include:

Identifying New Markets and Offerings

– Which new customer segments should you target and penetrate? 

– What additional products or services should you develop?

– Which new geographic regions provide the most opportunity?

– Where can you expand your competitive advantage?

Pinpoint which new markets warrant expanding into and new offerings to develop to serve them. This is where thorough market research and competitive analysis comes into play. 

Prioritize which new plays will provide the most return based on resource requirements, timelines, and implementation complexity. Expanding into a new country warrants more planning than releasing a new product feature, for example. 

Selecting the Right Tactics 

– How will you generate leads and pipeline in new markets? 

– What cross-sell / up-sell tactics will better monetize current customers?

– What strategic partnerships or channels should you pursue?

– How can you fine-tune messaging and sales collateral?

Determine the specific programs and tactics required to hit each objective. Key areas to address include tactics for customer acquisition, retention, strategic alliances, sales enablement, and marketing. 

Baking in cross-departmental collaboration from the start ensures better execution down the line. Outline each initiative at a high-level along with owners, resources, timelines, and costs. 

Building Partnerships and Alliances

– Which companies can you strategically partner with?

– What affiliate, reseller, or channel partnerships make sense? 

– Where can you identify win-win partnerships that expand reach?

– What types of alliances align to your objectives?

No business development strategy is complete without outlining potential partnerships. This includes traditional partnerships along with affiliated programs, joint ventures, and channel distribution pacts.

Identify which companies have complementary offerings, customers, or strengths you can mutually benefit from. Partnerships can become vital enablers in reaching new markets.

With your targeted markets, defined offerings, tactical plans, and potential partnerships framed up, you now have a comprehensive strategy blueprint.

Implementing Your Strategy

The best strategies only deliver results through meticulous and coordinated implementation. With cross-functional buy-in established, here are tips for effective execution:

Developing an Action Plan 

– Outline detailed tasks, owners, timelines, and budgets for each initiative

– Identify key milestones and interdependencies across projects

– Build project plans tailored to various implementation time horizons

   – Short-term quick wins – 1-3 months

   – Mid-term foundational – 3-6 months   

   – Long-term expansions – 6-12+ months

Break down your strategy into tactical action plans – organized by department, timeframe, priority, and required resources. This enables you to mobilize resources efficiently toward the right initiatives first. 

Having detailed plans covering short and long-term programs ensures continued focus and progress. Maintain flexibility as new opportunities and challenges inevitably arise over time.

Assigning Ownership

– Designate clear initiative leads across departments

– Define individual contributions and responsibilities  

– Outline expected deliverables and success metrics

– Establish regular check-ins on progress

With your tactical plans defined, put owners in place to drive each one – leveraging cross-functional teams. Define desired results, timelines, KPIs, and requisite support clearly upfront. 

Establish ongoing touchpoints to review status and address any roadblocks. This governance model and cadence enables accountability.

Tracking and Measuring 

– Build reporting to track initiative progress and results 

– Set KPIs for each program tied to your goals

– Monitor budgets, resources, timelines closely

– Course correct quickly if execution goes off track

Implement rigorous tracking to monitor performance of each initiative. Are you hitting lead targets? Partnership milestones? Budgets? 

Establish success metrics aligned to your growth goals. Analyze data, trends, and progress regularly. Rapidly troubleshoot any problem areas, resource constraints, or tactical shifts needed based on insights.

Flawless execution requires vigilance – from planning to managing to optimizing based on results.

Adapting and Optimizing

Finally, even the best strategies require adaptation. Review outcomes consistently to determine what’s working, what’s not, and how you need to modify your approach for better results.

Reviewing and Revising 

– Which initiatives and tactics are delivering results?

– What’s not working as well as expected?  

– Where do you need to re-direct resources or efforts?

– What new opportunities or threats require a change in plans?

Connect regularly with owners to assess performance across the board. Double down on the high-impact activities delivering outcomes. 

For underperforming efforts, determine if you need to restructure, add resources, or abandon altogether. Be ready to make judgment calls and trade-off decisions to maximize results.

Continuously Improving 

– Refine successful tactics to drive greater efficiency

– Develop new initiatives based on changing conditions

– Solicit feedback on improvements across strategy and execution

– Share wins, lessons learned, and best practices across the organization

Building a “test and learn” mindset ensures you continue raising the bar. Seek ongoing employee feedback at both leadership and individual levels to cultivate engagement.

Business development is a dynamic, long-term endeavor. Regularly updating strategy based on real outcomes and market evolution is critical for staying ahead.

Key Takeaways 

– Assess current offerings, target markets, and sales funnel to identify opportunities

– Set clear growth objectives aligned to company’s strategic roadmap 

– Determine new markets, offerings, partnerships, and tactics required to hit goals  

– Develop detailed action plans for each initiative with owners, timeframes, and budgets

– Implement plans seamlessly via cross-functional coordination 

– Track KPIs closely to monitor progress and optimize based on outcomes

– Continuously review, refine, and expand strategies and tactics to drive growth

Following this comprehensive step-by-step approach will enable you to craft a focused, successful business development strategy tailored to your organization’s needs. With diligent execution and continuous improvement, you’ll be primed to hit your targets and accelerate growth.

Now you’re equipped with a detailed framework to create an actionable business development plan that delivers real results. By clearly defining your objectives, tactics, and measures for success upfront, you can drive focused execution across your team.

The time you invest in thoughtful strategic planning will pay dividends through more efficient operations, higher impact initiatives, and ultimately increased growth and profitability. Get started today crafting your plan to take your business development to the next level.