Implementing Smart Contracts – Use Cases and Examples – Wimgo

Implementing Smart Contracts – Use Cases and Examples

Smart contracts are blowing up right now as one of the most exciting technologies to come out of the blockchain revolution. These self-executing agreements encoded directly into blockchain networks are enabling all kinds of autonomous digital transactions and processes without middlemen. Pretty mind-blowing stuff! 

As blockchain goes more and more mainstream, companies everywhere are exploring how smart contracts can optimize their operations, slash costs, and unlock new business opportunities. In this detailed guide, we’ll break down the most impactful use cases for smart contracts and check out some real-world examples of pioneering companies already putting this powerful tech into play.

Demystifying Smart Contracts 

Before we dive into the game-changing use cases, let’s get clear on what smart contracts actually are under the hood and how they pull off their contractual magic.

Simply put, a smart contract is a self-executing protocol that translates an agreement’s terms into lines of code stored on a blockchain. This code auto-executes when predetermined conditions are met, with no need for middlemen. Wild right?

Some key smart contract superpowers:

– Autonomous: Smart contracts self-execute based on predefined inputs, no human intervention required.

– Efficient: By axing intermediaries, smart contracts optimize operations and reduce costs.

– Accurate: Automated execution leaves little room for human error or fraud.

– Secure: Smart contracts leverage blockchain’s inherent security and transparency.

– Flexible: Smart contract logic can encode complex business rules and workflows.

Here’s generally how they work their magic:

1. The agreement terms get translated by developers into conditional logic as smart contract code.

2. The smart contract is deployed on a blockchain network at a unique address. 

3. Users interact with the smart contract based on the agreement terms, triggering executions.

4. The smart contract executes the logic autonomously based on user inputs.

5. The execution is validated and verified across blockchain nodes. 

6. Execution results get recorded on-chain, updating the contract state.

By following this sequence, smart contracts enable end-to-end digital agreements without any intermediary. Super slick! Now let’s explore some killer use cases.

Hot Smart Contract Use Cases

From finance and supply chain to identity and voting, smart contracts have huge potential across many industries. Here are some of the most exciting uses cases driving innovation right now:

Revolutionizing Finance

– Securities: Tokenized securities can be programmed to pay dividends or carry voting rights. No more paper share certificates!

– Derivatives: Smart contracts can replicate options, swaps, and other complex financial instruments.

– Payments: Direct peer-to-peer payments executed via smart contract. No more wire transfers or checks in the mail!

– Insurance: Custom parametric policies that pay out automatically based on events.

Transforming Supply Chains

– Provenance: Smart contracts verify authenticity and track custody as goods move along the supply chain.

– Payments: Automated payments triggered when shipment milestones are reached.

– Compliance: Smart contracts confirm goods comply with quality, source, etc.

Reinventing Identity

– Digital ID: Smart contracts manage and share documentation proving identity attributes.

– Credentials: Certifications and degrees can be issued and verified via smart contract.

– Reputation: Ratings, reviews, and recommendations can be stored transparently on-chain.

Optimizing Business 

– Accounting: Smart contracts automate invoices, payments, and accounting.

– Operations: Smart contracts enable self-executing business processes like approvals.

– Compliance: Smart contracts verify records against regulations and standards.

Enabling the Sharing Economy

– Ridesharing: Trip payment logic encoded in smart contracts. No more cash or cards needed!

– Property Sharing: Smart contracts manage short-term rentals via smart locks and blockchain payments.

– WiFi Sharing: Smart contracts meter access and enable seamless pay-per-use payments.

Revolutionizing Governance 

– Voting: Eligible voters issued blockchain tokens to cast verifiable, anonymous votes.

– Organizations: Member permissions and voting rules encoded transparently in smart contracts.

– Treasuries: Contractual rules imposed on how funds are used and distributed.

This just scratches the surface of where smart contract implementations on blockchain are headed. Now let’s look at some trailblazing real-world examples.

Pioneering Smart Contract Implementations 

Many forward-thinking companies are already rolling out smart contract projects on live blockchain networks. Here are some of the most groundbreaking:

Transforming Wall Street

Securitize – Compliance Automation

Securitize is transforming how securities like stocks and bonds are issued and traded, using smart contracts to automate compliance on blockchain. Major securities like Blockchain Capital’s BCAP token and 22x Fund’s DIG already trade using their platform.

Aigang – Decentralized Insurance

Aigang is using smart contracts to create new models of decentralized insurance. Parametric policies pay out automatically based on IoT data and events, with no claims adjusters or paperwork required. The future of insurance!

Ripio Credit Network – Credit Scoring 

Ripio is connecting peer-to-peer lenders and borrowers globally using smart contracts. Loan terms get programmed into smart contracts. An on-chain credit scoring system flags risky loans, providing credit access to the unbanked.

Optimizing Global Trade  

Walmart Food Traceability

Walmart is using smart contracts on Hyperledger Fabric to track food across complex supply chains. This enables transparency into food origins, accelerates recall investigations, and improves safety.

Maersk Shipping 

Global shipping giant Maersk is using smart contracts to streamline documentation and customs clearance as cargo moves between ports. This slashes delays and fraud. Smart contracts also enable real-time shipping updates.

De Beers Mine-to-Market  

De Beers is using smart contracts to prove authenticity and ethical sourcing as diamonds travel from mines to retail stores. Smart contracts transfer ownership and enforce compliance at each step.

Building Web 3.0 Identity & Reputation Systems

Validated ID 

Microsoft and Accenture are exploring decentralized identity with Validated ID, securing identity attributes via smart contracts on public blockchains. This gives users control over their digital identity and credentials.

MIT BlockCerts

MIT is trailblazing blockchain credentials with BlockCerts. Digital diplomas and certifications are registered as smart contracts containing metadata to prove validity. Employers and schools can easily verify credentials on-chain.

UMEE Reputation System

UMEE is a decentralized finance platform with an on-chain reputation system. Borrower and lender ratings get recorded in reputation smart contracts, enabling credibility-based lending.

Automating Enterprise Operations

Stasis Euro Tokens

Stasis is bringing bank functionalities like Euro stablecoins and transfers to smart contracts on Ethereum. Users can send tokenzied Euros using end-to-end smart contracts.

Monax Supply Chain Finance 

Monax offers an enterprise blockchain platform. Supply chain clients use invoice and financing smart contracts to connect accounts, automate payments, handle discounts, and authorize loans.

Libra Tax

Libra Tax is exploring automated tax preparation and filing with smart contracts. Users upload tax docs which smart contracts parse to auto-populate forms. Returns get filed and taxes paid via smart contract.

Enabling the Sharing Economy

La’Zooz Ridesharing

La’Zooz is building a decentralized ridesharing platform where smart contracts match riders and drivers algorithmically. Trip payments are automated end-to-end once riders reach destinations. Smart Locks enables shared access to spaces like homes and offices via smart contracts and IoT-connected smart locks. Users can rent access with payments enforced in real-time by the locks.

Bee Token Home Sharing 

Bee Token built a blockchain-based home sharing network. Bookings activate rental smart contracts. Payments release after stays, with deposits held in escrow smart contracts.

Revolutionizing Governance

Voatz Mobile Voting 

Voatz is trailblazing blockchain voting. Eligible voters are issued tokens to cast votes recorded immutably on the blockchain via smart contract. Math proofs and biometrics ensure verifiability and equal access.

Aragon DAO Governance

Aragon created tools for decentralized organizations and companies built on smart contract governance. Member permissions, voting rules, funding distribution, and more are controlled transparently on-chain.

Dash Blockchain Treasury

Dash pioneered decentralized governance and treasury systems for blockchain projects. Special nodes vote on treasury proposals. Successful votes release funds automatically via executed smart contracts. 

While these examples only scratch the surface, they give a glimpse into the future smart contract revolution just getting underway.

Key Questions for Adopting Smart Contracts

If you think smart contracts could be game-changing for your organization, here are crucial questions to consider:

– Legal: How can we design legally compliant smart contracts? Do we need to navigate jurisdictional issues?

– Secure: Are we following best practices to avoid vulnerabilities seen in past hacks? Can we get smart contracts audited?

– Scale: What processes should we redesign first to maximize automation and efficiency? How can we phase rollouts?

– Incentives: How will we incentivize users to participate in smart contracts systems?

– Integration: How can we integrate smart contracts with legacy business systems like ERPs and databases?

– UX: How can we create seamless user experiences for employees and customers interacting with smart contracts?

– Change Management: How will we explain and evangelize smart contracts internally? What training resources will be needed?

The companies that can effectively answer these questions will have a massive competitive edge in leveraging smart contracts to optimize operations, reduce costs, manage compliance, and take their offerings to the next level. Like the early days of the internet, the time to start experimenting is now!

Let’s Build the Future on Smart Contracts

As we’ve explored, smart contracts are a hugely transformative technology – on par with the birth of the internet itself. They will fundamentally change how business agreements and transactions happen across industries.

Leading enterprises like Walmart, AXA, BHP and many more are already running smart contract pilots and live implementations. With exponential growth in blockchain adoption ahead, the organizations that embrace smart contracts early will have the opportunity to dominate business in the 21st century. 

Are you ready to innovate with smart contracts? Our blockchain experts can help you successfully design, test, and deploy secure and legally compliant smart contract systems optimized for your business. Let’s talk!