Auditing Trends and Updates for 2023 – Wimgo

Auditing Trends and Updates for 2023


– Auditing is constantly evolving as technology, regulations, and business practices change. Auditors must stay up-to-date on the latest trends and updates to remain effective and provide value.

– This article will provide an overview of the top auditing trends and updates to be aware of going into 2023. We will cover new auditing standards, regulations, technologies, and techniques auditors should prepare for.

New Auditing Standards 

– Several new auditing standards from the AICPA will come into effect in 2023 which auditors must adhere to. Understanding and properly implementing these standards will be critical.

– SAS No. 134-140 on auditing accounting estimates and related disclosures. Provides updated guidance for auditing complex fair value measurements, expected credit losses, and other estimates with high estimation uncertainty. Auditors will need to focus more on understanding and testing management’s process.

– SAS No. 141 increases requirements for auditing revenue recognition principles. Auditors must obtain more evidence to ensure revenue is recognized properly under ASC 606 standards.

– SAS No. 142 requires auditors to understand and assess supplier and customer relationships that could affect financial statement assertions. Additional risk assessment procedures and testing will be necessary in many cases.

– SAS No. 143 focuses on auditing estimates, including fair value measurements. Auditors will need to evaluate the methods, data, and assumptions used by management more extensively while auditing estimates.

– Staying up-to-date on these and other upcoming standards will be essential for auditors to perform high quality, compliant audits. Firms should start preparing now to implement these standards effectively.

Evolving Regulations

– Regulations continue to evolve which auditors must understand to properly evaluate compliance and related financial reporting risks. Here are some key upcoming regulations in 2023 auditors should be aware of:

– SEC regulations around ESG disclosures will expand, requiring more audit attention towards companies’ reporting on environmental, social, and governance issues.

– The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is expected to finalize payday lending rules in 2023, which will impact audits of lenders.

– Cryptocurrency regulations are likely to increase, which will require new considerations for auditors of companies dealing in digital assets.

– The EU has proposed requiring auditors to assess companies’ environmental sustainability disclosures. Similar regulations could develop in other jurisdictions.

– Understanding regulatory changes will allow auditors to identify the new risks companies face and properly assess compliance. Auditors should actively monitor new regulations in sectors they serve.

New Technologies

– New auditing technologies continue to emerge which can improve audits if leveraged appropriately. Auditors should keep up with the latest tools and understand how to incorporate them into their audits.

– Data analytics is becoming more critical, allowing auditors to analyze full populations rather than just samples. This provides greater insights and improves risk assessment.

– Automation can streamline repetitive, rules-based tasks to allow auditors to focus on higher judgement areas. Audit processes like inventory counts can be automated.

– Artificial intelligence and machine learning are advancing auditing capabilities. AI can be used to detect anomalies and high risk transactions to focus audit testing.

– Cloud-based audit management software helps collaborate across teams and locations while enabling remote auditing capabilities.

– Blockchain and cryptocurrency will require new technical skills to properly audit. Auditors may need training to understand crypto flows and verify transactions on blockchain.

– Embracing new technologies while ensuring proper professional skepticism will allow auditors to perform more effective audits. Firms should provide ongoing training to keep up with emerging tools.

Enhanced Auditing Techniques

– Auditing approaches are evolving as expectations increase for auditors to provide deeper insights and enhanced value.

– Advanced data analytics techniques allow auditors to perform more detailed testing and analysis over full populations rather than just samples. This provides more comprehensive insights.

– Forward-looking auditing assesses how future risks may impact the business versus just validating historical information. This allows auditors to uncover emerging risks.

– Focus on corporate culture and soft controls during audits provides insights into tone at the top and motivators driving employee behavior that impact risk. Auditors are expanding procedures in these areas.

– ESG-related auditing has become more important as stakeholders demand greater review of environmental, diversity, human rights and other areas.

– Fraud is a growing area of focus, with expanded auditing procedures required to detect possible fraud in financial reporting and operations.

– Overall, expectations are for auditors to take an expanded view and provide enhanced evaluations versus just validating reporting. Auditors must continue advancing their skills as expectations evolve.

Developments for Specific Sectors 

– Certain industries are primed to see significant auditing developments in 2023 that professionals must understand.

– For financial services, regulations around expected credit loss provisions, capital requirements, and crypto activities are increasing audit complexity.

– Healthcare audits will focus more heavily on valuations of patents and licenses as well as expanding regulations.

– Manufacturing audits require greater assessment around supply chain disruptions, safety stock, and inventory valuations given macro uncertainty.

– Retail/e-commerce audits need to cover emerging sales channels, digital payment flows, and loyalty program accounting.

– For insurance, new regulations and actuarial assumptions will require specialized audit skills to assess factors like claims reserves.

– Public sector and non-profit auditing continues increasing with grants management, taxpayer funds stewardship, and program efficacy all under review. 

– Understanding industry-specific risks, regulations, and required procedures will equip auditors to provide maximum value for clients.


– The auditing landscape is shifting quickly, requiring auditors to stay up-to-date on the latest standards, regulations, technologies, techniques, and industry developments.

– By understanding the key trends and updates covered in this article, auditors can perform their duties effectively and provide heightened value as expectations continue rising.

– Firms should provide ongoing training and preparation to ensure their auditors are equipped with the latest knowledge and capabilities to excel.

– Auditing has an important role in upholding trust and transparency in financial markets. Keeping pace with changes in the field allows auditors to continue serving this vital purpose.

– The updates for 2023 point towards an expanded, technology-enabled view of auditing to provide enhanced risk insights and quality for all stakeholders. Embracing these changes will ensure the profession remains effective in the years ahead.