Automation Tools to Improve Audit Efficiency – Wimgo

Automation Tools to Improve Audit Efficiency

I. Introduction

– Audits are a critical yet time-consuming process for organizations. Manual audits can drag on for weeks or months, tying up staff resources.

– By leveraging automation tools, auditors can work faster and focus their efforts on high-value tasks.

– This post will explore 10 powerful automation tools and how they can help improve audit efficiency.

II. Why Automation is Key for Efficient Audits

– Audits require reviewing large volumes of data, procedures, and documents. This can be tedious and error-prone when done manually. 

– Automation enables auditors to work faster by reducing repetitive, low-value tasks.

– With automation, auditors spend less time on data collection and analysis. This frees them up for more strategic initiatives.

– Automation also boosts accuracy by removing human error from rote tasks.

III. 10 Automation Tools to Improve Audit Efficiency

1. ACL Analytics – Analyzes large data sets to quickly spot anomalies and test controls. Enables continuous auditing.

2. Mimecast – Automates email and file auditing for compliance with regulations like GDPR and FINRA. 

3. AppZen – Leverages AI to audit 100% of expense reports, invoices, and contracts in real time. Drastically cuts down manual review.

4. Galvanize – Pulls data from multiple ERP systems into a single platform to enable automated audit testing procedures.

5. LockPath – Automates control testing and reporting. Includes over 500 pre-built templates for common controls.

6. Wolters Kluwer TeamMate – Builds automated audit schedules and checklists to accelerate testing. Links findings and workpapers. 

7. CaseWare IDEA – Analyzes and samples datasets for efficient data analytics testing and fraud detection.

8. AuditBoard – Automates risk and control mapping, testing, and reporting. Includes pre-built content for SOX, GDPR, and more.

9. Prefect – Enables creating automated data pipelines to pull info from disparate systems for continuous auditing.

10. Intapp – Digitizes audit engagements including planning, scheduling, workpaper management, and reporting.

IV. Key Benefits of Automated Audits

– Faster audits from eliminating repetitive manual processes.

– Increased coverage through continuous controls monitoring.  

– Improved accuracy and consistency in testing and reporting.

– Higher quality audits focused on critical risks and exceptions.

– Allows auditors to provide more advisory services rather than compliance.

V. Overcoming Resistance to Audit Automation 

– Fear of job losses from automation – stress this allows auditors to focus on high-value work.

– Upfront costs – highlight rapid ROI.

– Learning curve – start with pilot projects in non-critical areas.

– Concerns over data security – stress advanced security features of audit tools.

VI. Conclusion

– Manual audits reduce efficiency and heighten risk due to human error.

– Modern automation tools streamline tedious tasks while capturing efficiencies. 

– By leveraging automation, audit departments can improve quality and productivity.

– The time for automated audits is now.


Audits are a critical process for organizations to ensure policies, controls, and procedures are being followed. However, manual audits can be extremely time-consuming, dragging on for weeks or even months. This ties up valuable auditor resources in tedious tasks like data collection and analysis when their expertise could be better leveraged on more strategic initiatives. 

By taking advantage of audit automation tools, auditors can significantly improve efficiency in the audit process. Automation enables auditors to work faster by standardizing and streamlining repetitive, low-value tasks that previously bogged them down. As a result, auditors can spend less time on grunt work and more time on critical thinking and risk evaluation.

This blog post will explore 10 powerful automation tools and how they can help transform audit efficiency. Whether you’re looking to enable continuous auditing, reduce human error, or simply speed up routine audits, these tools have you covered. Let’s dive in!

Why Automation is Key for Efficient Audits

Audits involve reviewing large volumes of data, procedures, controls, and documentation to ensure policies are being followed and risks are mitigated. Manually sifting through all this information is tedious, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Just some of the pain points include:

– Analyzing thousands of transactions or data points. Auditors can spend weeks correlating datasets.

– Testing controls across multiple systems and locations. Following audit trails is laborious.  

– Reviewing volumes of documents like contracts and invoices. This causes eyestrain and mistakes.

– Maintaining audit documentation and workpapers. Important details can slip through the cracks.

– Creating reports on audit findings. Manual write-ups drag out reporting.

By automating these repetitive, low-value tasks, auditors free themselves up to focus on more strategic initiatives like:

– Assessing risks: Automation provides time to drill into risks.

– Enhancing quality:Consistency improves audit quality.  

– Providing insights:Trend analysis enables better insights.

– Advisory services:Automation enables auditors to advise the business.

– Spotting anomalies: Automation aids fraud detection.

In summary, automating rote tasks amplifies auditor productivity while removing human error from the equation.

10 Automation Tools to Improve Audit Efficiency

Many powerful audit automation tools exist in today’s market. Here are 10 top options:

1. ACL Analytics

ACL offers advanced data analytics to help auditors quickly analyze large datasets to spot anomalies and unusual trends. It enables auditors to test 100% of transactions rather than just small samples. This is invaluable for continuous auditing and fraud detection. ACL helps auditors filter data, identify duplicates, isolate outliers, and more.

2. Mimecast

Mimecast allows auditors to automatically capture, archive, and audit email and file data for compliance. This helps when conducting audits related to regulations like GDPR and FINRA. Mimecast offers granular controls to automate policy application across huge volumes of data.

3. AppZen

Leveraging artificial intelligence, AppZen auto-audits 100% of expense reports, invoices, and contracts in real time. This eliminates the need for manual review of each document which can be extremely tedious. AppZen flags non-compliant spend for immediate attention while passing compliant transactions.

4. Galvanize

Galvanize enables teams to pull data from multiple ERP systems into a single auditing platform. This allows auditors to run controls and tests across data from Oracle, SAP, Microsoft and more. Tests can be automated to run on a set schedule. Galvanize is strong choice for automated SOX, FCPA, and financial audits. 

5. LockPath 

LockPath allows organizations to automate control testing and reporting. It includes over 500 pre-configured templates for common controls like SOC, PCI DSS, ISO, and CobiT. Teams can leverage ready-to-use content and reports to accelerate audit execution.

6. Wolters Kluwer TeamMate

TeamMate enables auditors to create automated audit schedules and checklists to reduce the manual effort of control testing. As tests are conducted, issues can be captured and linked to workpapers. This helps auditors maintain consistency and provides oversight of testing status. 

7. CaseWare IDEA

IDEA provides powerful data analytics capabilities to help auditors quickly analyze and sample large datasets. This helps speed up testing while enhancing visibility into transactions and accounts. IDEA’s visualization tools also allow auditors to easily identify anomalies and fraud risks.

8. AuditBoard 

AuditBoard automates risk and controls mapping, testing workflows, and audit reporting. It provides pre-built content for common compliance areas like SOX, GDPR, ISO, and more. AuditBoard integrates with business software like Workday, NetSuite and Salesforce as well.

9. Prefect

Prefect allows teams to build automated data pipelines that pull info from multiple systems into a central location. This enables continuous auditing of near real-time data. Having data readily available cuts down audit testing timelines.

10. Intapp

Intapp provides end-to-end audit management automation. This includes planning and scheduling, workpaper management, time tracking, findings management, and reporting. Integration capabilities also allow auditors to pull data from upstream systems, enhancing efficiency.

Key Benefits of Automated Audits

Automating all or parts of the audit process offers compelling benefits:

– Faster audits since repetitive manual processes are eliminated

– Increased audit coverage through continuous controls monitoring   

– Improved accuracy and consistency by removing human error

– Higher audit quality with focus on critical exceptions versus routine testing

– Allows auditors to expand into more value-add advisory services

By letting automation handle routine tasks, auditors can provide real business insights versus simply checking boxes. They can focus on business risks rather than compliance. Continuous monitoring also provides assurance that controls are working between audits.

Overcoming Resistance to Audit Automation

Despite the benefits, some auditors may be resistant to audit automation. Common concerns include:

– Fear of job losses from the increased efficiency. Stress automation allows auditors to focus on strategic initiatives versus rote work.

– Upfront costs of audit software. Emphasize rapid return on investment from efficiency gains.

– Learning curves to use new technology. Start with pilot projects in non-critical domains to build familiarity. 

– Data security concerns about connecting systems. Highlight the advanced security features and encryption audit tools leverage to keep data safe.

Gently introducing automation while emphasizing the benefits for staff in terms of productivity and job satisfaction can help overcome reservations.


Manual audits reduce productivity and heighten risk due to human error and inconsistencies. Modern audit automation tools help streamline tedious tasks, enable continuous monitoring, and boost productivity.

This allows auditors to conduct faster, higher quality audits while focusing their expertise on more strategic initiatives to help the business. Tools like data analytics, controls mapping, and AI-based document review provide immense efficiency gains.

The time is now for audit teams to embrace automation. By leveraging it for routine tasks, auditors can provide more value to the business while eliminating wasted effort. The 10 tools covered in this post are powerful options to kickstart automating your next audit.