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Top Appraiser in Charlotte - 2025

LAST UPDATED 11 Feb, 2025
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List of the Top Appraiser in Charlotte

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Karis Management Group

Service Focus
22% Defensible
57% Supportable
3% Opinion Of Value
18% Other
Service Focus
22% Defensible
57% Supportable
3% Opinion Of Value
18% Other
Karis is a business that takes pride in giving back to the community. They have aspirations of becoming one thousandth as good at what they do, so others can be just like them! The company aims for an excellent experience from beginning till end: prompt appraisals with credible assessments and courteous communication throughout all interactions make Karism better than ever before

Donald Haack Diamonds

Service Focus
77% Defensible
0% Supportable
20% Opinion Of Value
3% Other
Service Focus
77% Defensible
0% Supportable
20% Opinion Of Value
3% Other
When Donald and Janet Haack first started working in the diamond mines of British Guiana, they were just a young couple looking to make their way. Their daughter Julie would later on inherit that same passion for quality diamonds from this famous family business today known as ??onaldhaackdiamonds.;


Service Focus
42% Defensible
21% Supportable
17% Opinion Of Value
20% Other
Service Focus
42% Defensible
21% Supportable
17% Opinion Of Value
20% Other
DVCHECK is committed to helping drivers like you do just that by providing DIMINISHED VALUE APPRAISAL REPORTS for cars and documents from all angles in order prove their claims with expertise second-to-none A respected name within this industry since 2002 when Jim Marshall founded his company after 20+ years as an auto appraisal expert specializing solely on insurance policies

Frequently Asked Questions About Appraiser

Certain factors like level of expertise and experience as well will play a role in how much you’re charged by an appraiser. Averagely, it costs $350 to hire an appraiser but there is a potential for the price to even go further to extra hundreds of dollars depending on size of property while also considering the appraiser’s experience and reputation.

This depends on what is found in the appraisal. It’s possible that after the appraisers complete their work, the value is only slightly lesser and you’ll still have to pay a substantial amount to secure the property and it’s also possible that you get a huge discount on value after the appraisal. If you’re having doubts about the quality and value of a property then getting an appraiser will definitely turn out to be worth it. If you also feel the property is being overpriced or underpriced, for the seller, then hiring an appraiser can make the whole process easy and aid in coming to a decision.

Yes, appraisers can ask for repairs when they find something not in order. They don’t just ask for repairs because it’s something part of the job or they need to or anything else, but if an appraiser asks for repairs, it’s because the appraiser sees a problem and will expect it to be fixed in order to make it acceptable. It might be issues with health and safety and the appraiser simply wants to ensure the property is safe. All systems and everything in the house must be in proper condition and that’s what repairs are usually for. And more reasons why they are recommended by appraisers.

As always, experience will always matter when you’re choosing a professional for your job. You’ll be better off with someone who has experience appraising your kind of apartments. Get recommendations from real estate agents or individuals who have previously used the services of an appraiser and then look to screen them for experience with your type of apartment. Make a list and consult each person you find capable for the job. Ask questions and also consider your pocket to ensure you get an appraiser you can afford. Lastly, figure out if they’re licensed or some form of certification and make sure you confirm this.

To carry out their work, appraisers always inspect certain things to come about what the current value of the property is. One important thing is the interior and exterior of the property. This includes checking all the rooms, walls, ceilings, doors, and every other place or thing in and out of the house to see if there are any damages or maintenance issues. Next is amenities, this includes a swimming pool, if available, and any other amenities which might be present in the house. The location of the house will also be evaluated by the appraiser. Proximity to places like hospital, fire station, and school will be looked at while also considering if it’s in a highly desirable area or a less desired place. The kind of apartments in the area as well as the condition of the area and places around it will also be inspected. Other things like the age and size of the property, any safety features, and possible improvements needed will also be looked at.

You need an appraiser to help you determine the right or at least, the current market value for the property you’re looking to buy. There are times when properties are overpriced, making it almost impossible to buy what you want. You can simply hire an appraiser to help you determine if the price you’re given is the right price or if you’ve been given a really high price that doesn’t depict the value it represents. With an appraiser’s work, it’s possible to cut down some cost and pay a lesser amount for a property you want as long as that price represents the current value.

A Realtor is a licensed agent who is in the business of representing individuals who want to buy or sell a property in the real estate industry and even though its a more different job from that of an appraiser, there are actually no boundaries stopping an appraiser from being a realtor. An appraiser usually deals with appraising people’s properties to determine the current value of the property and it involves a number of inspection activities to be able to get desired results. The job is completely different from what a Realtor does but there’s nothing actually stopping an appraiser from being a Realtor. The simple thing is that an appraiser has to be an appraiser and act like one when appraising a property and a Realtor has to be a Realtor when they it’s time to be one. Nothing hinders the other from being able to be both as long as the individual knows how to do both and is also licensed to be a Realtor.

There are two main fields where an appraiser can work and they are the commercial real estate industry and the residential property industry. For the commercial real estate industry, the appraiser can work for office buildings, hotels, shopping malls, and industrial buildings. Even though appraisers are known to work in the area of residential property, they still work in these kinds of places and managers or owners of these businesses can request an appraisal either to get a loan or for tax related purposes. The residential property area of specialization for appraisers is quite common and in this, they work mainly with residential properties and determine the value of people’s properties.

Sometimes when you want to get a property, the price might be too high that you’ll feel the property is being overpriced and that’s when the appraiser comes in. The appraiser helps a potential buyer determine the current value of a property they’re looking to buy. They help you to discover if the price you’re being charged is right for the kind of property you’re buying. An appraiser usually gets the appraisal done by inspecting the property. Things like the interior and exterior of the property, value of whatever amenities are available on the property, layout of the property, square footage and health and safety code violations are inspected to determine the value of the property. Also, the appraiser can conduct an off site appraisal by doing an evaluation of any other comparable properties in that area to be able to get the right value for the property or at least the fair price it should be sold for.

Diminished Value Appraisal Claims of Charlotte

Service Focus
10% Defensible
21% Supportable
19% Opinion Of Value
50% Other
Service Focus
10% Defensible
21% Supportable
19% Opinion Of Value
50% Other
Diminished Value Appraisers provide you with personalized up-to-date information regarding your diminished value claim. We will make sure that we have a thorough understanding of the procedure and what possible compensation is owed to you, so please do not hesitate Contact Us for an appointment today!

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Diminished Value Carolina

Service Focus
16% Defensible
1% Supportable
64% Opinion Of Value
20% Other
Service Focus
16% Defensible
1% Supportable
64% Opinion Of Value
20% Other
Diminished Value Claims in North Carolina is the value of your car after an accident is never a good thing to do. Auto accidents, regardless if it's minor or major, can result with immediate and long lasting effects on both you financially as well as physically from injuries sustained during said collision which requires repairs at fault driver

Karlans Arms & Antiques Antique Gun & Military Antiques Buyer!

Service Focus
10% Defensible
24% Supportable
25% Opinion Of Value
42% Other
Service Focus
10% Defensible
24% Supportable
25% Opinion Of Value
42% Other
Karlan's Antique Gun & Military Resale Service was created in order to make selling your items as easy and straightforward as possible. I know that it can be difficult, if not impossible at times for the right decision on what direction you want take with regards to an antique collection or single family heirloom.