2025 Reviews

Top LASIK Surgeon in Chicago - 2025

LAST UPDATED 17 Feb, 2025
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List of the Top LASIK Surgeon in Chicago

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iBeauty Clinic

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Service Focus
39% Customer Service
13% Sales
26% Technical Support
22% Lead Generation
At the iBeauty Clinic, Dr. Neema Bayran is committed to providing you with a variety of services that will meet your every need from waxing and sugaring treatments for smooth skin or IPL hair removal on sensitive areas like face & chest; dermal injections if treatment options fail - all while ensuring lasting results!
Northwestern Medicine Center is like a vacation for your eyes. From the friendly staff to their award-winning surgeons, you'll find them all focused on providing excellent patient care and helping you understand what it takes for amazing vision after surgery with NMTech's safe procedures that are comfortable enough so even people who don't need glasses any more will choose to have PRK done!
At the Jonathan Rosin Board of Trade, we know that vision is everything. That's why our patients come in for a LASIK surgery and walk out with an even more clear mind than when they walked through those doors! Jonathan Rosin is a Board of Trade LASIK Surgery.
QualSight is the best way to find out if you're eligible for LASIK. The site offers quick and easy access, as well as information on all of your options so that eligibility can be determined quickly! People from all over the world are traveling to Las Vegas for one thing: LASIK surgery. I

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Jonathan Rosin is an elite and highly sought-after laser eye surgeon who has performed more than 1,000 LASIK surgeries to date. He offers the best possible care for all of his patients so they can enjoy their life with better vision without any limitations or worries about future complications.
Dr. Richard B. Foulkes, M.D., has been performing LASIK procedures for over 20 years and is known worldwide as one of the premier eye surgeons in Chicago to offer this surgery. Patients can come from all around by appointment only at his offices downtown on North-Michigan-Avenue for a comprehensive exam with state-of-the-art equipment that will determine if they are eligible or not for these surgeries.
The Kovach Eye Institute is a team of highly-skilled surgeons equipped with the expertise and most advanced technology to treat eye maladies. From cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration or droopy eyelids - we have you covered! The best part? With our state-of-the art equipment it's all done right in front of your eyes!
At Rosin LASIK Surgery Center, we strive to provide the best possible experience for performing your procedure. We are committed in providing patients with an effective and convenient service that will exceed their expectations! For those who live and work in Los Angeles, there's no need to go through the hassle of obtaining a drivers license again. Our vision-correcting machines.
The Kraff Eye Institute is a team of experts in ophthalmology and laser vision correction surgery. Located in Chicago, the institute offers diagnostic services for a variety of eye diseases as well as LASIK & PRK Surgery, lipiflow and corneal cross-linking procedures; cataract treatment or glaucoma treatment.
The practice of SharpeVision is to help patients realize their dreams of having clear vision that can't be corrected by glasses or contacts thanks solely in part from our experience using one America's most advanced LASIK technologies since 2012 when Dr. MatthewSharpe founded this modern day clinic after witnessing 16 years worth success as an eye doctor himself.
Chicago Cornea Consultants is a place where people can go for all of their ocular needs. They take comprehensive care in the form of checkups, surgeries and contact lens prescriptions to make sure you're happy with what's happening on both sides! Chicago Cornea Consultants, the most trusted name in eye care.
Lasik specialists CHICAGO are here for you. Stop struggling with short-term vision problems and see the world as it was meant to be seen, without glasses or contacts! You're living in a time where there's never been so much information at our fingertips but not everyone knows how best use all of these resources available.
TLC Laser Eye Centers is a leader in laser eye surgery with more than 20 years of experience. Our specialists have performed over 2 million LASIK procedures
Dr. Manus Kraff has been a dentist for more than 30 years and is currently chairperson of the board at University Dental Clinic in Kathmandu, Nepal. He also volunteers with Doctors Without Borders where he provides care to those who have lost their teeth from natural disasters such as earthquakes or fires.
At LasikPlus, you can experience cutting-edge laser eye surgery technology with personalized treatment options and a unique guarantee. Our LASIK surgeons have performed more than 1.8 million procedures since 1995 so they'll be able to create the best possible care for your situation using one of their many different types of lasers!
The Wicker Park Eye Center provides comprehensive care for all your ocular needs from cataracts surgery treatments to cornea transplants if it's warranted due to a disease like keratoconus that can cause blindness or severe irritation on one side of the visual field with monocular diplopia (double images). From LASIK consultations for those who wish they were never near-sighted ever again,
Gerstein Eye Institute is the nation's most extensive eye care provider with locations in New York, Miami and Los Angeles.A majority of people don't know that they need regular checkups for their vision or if it could be something else entirely like glaucoma which causes permanent loss of sight due to blockage by pressure build-up inside the optic nerve head (the part you see)
The Northwestern Medicine LASIK Center is a world leader in laser eye surgery. The team of doctors and staff take great pride in providing personalized care for each patient to ensure optimal results, comfortableness during the procedure as well as aftercare instructions so that you can see properly without glasses or contacts also known colloquially by some people who have been through it.
Vision One Lasik Center is a premier private Chicago lasik eye surgery facility. We are proud to say that we're not like those other corporate stores and offer only refinements for discerning customers who value personalization in their procedures, rather than just following what the latest trend may be from day-to-day or year after year.